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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: HELP: I m looking for christmas greetings in foreig (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: MIEP TUNTETESRE FELHIVAS (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
3 Between 1946 and 1949... (mind)  48 sor     (cikkei)
4 And Rome fell... (mind)  82 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Hungarian recipes... (mind)  32 sor     (cikkei)
6 Magyarok figyelmebe! (mind)  50 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: HELP: I m looking for christmas greetings in foreig (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In Japanese we say"Shin-nen Akemashite Omedetougozaimasu"as"A Happy New 
Year.Merry Christmas is just the same"Merry Christmas",cuz we just trace 
the habbit overseas.
+ - Re: MIEP TUNTETESRE FELHIVAS (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >
Gabriela Acosta,  writes:
>I am looking to buy some land and have a house built on it.
>Does anyone have any information on how much it is to build  a medium 
>sized house?

Why don't you by some land *with* a house on it ? Building a house
in Hungary is a nightmare. You have to be there and check everything,
(or better: do most things yourself) otherwise you will be swindled.

+ - Between 1946 and 1949... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

BETWEEN 1946 AND 1949...
The chief of the State Department's Eastern European Affairs Division,
from 1946 to 1949 was Llewellyn E. Thompson, Jr. who wrote:
	"Between 1946 and 1949  the Free World lost practically all of Eastern
Europe to the Communists. The Kremlin did not have the military power
to take over these nations by force of arms, and it certainly did not
have the moral influence and popularity for its agents to be welcomed
by the peoples of these nations as their new rulers.
	The enslavement of Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland and
Czechoslovakia was accomplished by diplomatic betrayals, always aided
and abetted by our State Department, followed by police-state
suppressions of all opposition, always with the acquiescence of our
State Department and frequently with actual help supplied by it.
	In some cases, as in Poland, this active aid by our State Department
in the betrayal of the country, and in its subjugation to the
Kremlin's agents, was carried out right under the eyes of an honest
and horrified American Ambassador who did everything he possibly could
to make his protests heard. The slipperiness, cunning, and
determination of our State Department during those few years, in
helping Stalin to make satellite slaves out of the people of Eastern
Europe, is utterly unbelievable to anybody who has not studied the
gruesome details at considerable length. 
	But by 1949 the job was practically finished. There remained only the
formalization of the Kremlin's rule over East Germany, in 1950, to
make Communist sway over all of Eastern Europe complete."
	ABOUT THE MAN - L.E. Thompson was responsible for the negotiations
concerning, and for for the details and wording of the Austrian Peace
Treaty. President Eisenhower sent him a "Distinguished Service"
citation for that achievement. 
	Whenever the Kremlin bestows a medal on some butcher of a million
peaceful, for his "dedication to peace," thus using an exact reversal
of the language and principles once understood and honored by the
civilized world, we can no longer look virtuously askance at such
mockery of man's history and customs. 
	Eisenhower's honoring of Thompson for "the succcessful conclusion...
of the Austrian State Treaty" was of exactly the same Communist
pattern! The American people, deceived, unaware, complacent and
morally indiferent, are being eased into the world of George Orwell
without even knowing what is happening to them.(...)
[Excerpts from Robert Welch: The Politician, pp.245-246./Belmont Publ.
Massachusetts, 1963]
*** And today not only the American people are deceived, unaware,
complacent and morally indiferent, but the world's nations also who
are mercilessly being eased into the world of George Orwell without
even knowing what is happening to them!
Posted by Judit Toth
> ----------------------------------------
+ - And Rome fell... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

	Are we not like  the Roman Empire before it fell?.... gay, lewd,
rotting from within?
	The following words were spoken by captain Diodorus in a speech to the
Roman Senate during the fall of the Roman Empire. - He rested his
hands on the lecturn, looked at the Senators... smiled, not
pleasantly but with rage: You Romans, friends, countrymen have heard
me before. I shall speak today in the name of Rome for the last time.
Then I shall be silent."
	He drew a deep breath and his breast filled with passion and strength.
"I come not to honor Rome, but to bury her."
A voice shouted, "Treason!"
	Diodorus smiled again, bowed his head and said: 
	"It is always treason to speak the truth! In this very senate, not
many years ago, a Senator was done to death because he spoke the
truth. Not by knife or sword or spear was he murdered, and not by
honest stones. No honorable hand struck him down, for there
was no honest hand here. He spoke of Rome. He cried out, that Rome was
no longer a Republic, and that she had become a bloodthirsty empire,
ruled not by men of wisdom and not by law, but by Caesar and his
legions, and his generals and his rapacious freedmen and his palace
	The Senator stood on this very podium and he wept for the Republic. He
wept, that emperors were not elected by the people, but by infamous
legions and the idle and the ravenous mobs who wished only to devour
the fruits of the granaries and the treasuries and be amused by
charlatans, mountebanks, singers, gladiators and pugulists... at
public expense!"
	The Senators fell into a hard but intent silence, but some of the
older men bowed their heads, remembering their shame, and were enraged
against the tribune that recalled their shame to them. The soldiers
paced slowly at the doorway, listened, and turned their faces toward
Diodorus. Some were young and patriotic..
	"For greed, that young Senator cried to you, the mobs in this city
supported evil Caesars, who lusted only for power, because those
Caesars promised them loot from the public treasuries.
Venal Senators supported those Caesars for profit and power. The lying
Caesars spoke to the mobs and told them that our country could not
defend itself against the barbarians without allies, who must
endlessly be bought, cajoled and flattered.
	And traitorous Caesars plotted against their nation, mad with the lust
to be gilded like gods by the whole world, and to be acclaimed by
millions of thieves, beggars and nihilists, who never felt a
pulse of patriotism in their vultures' hearts. Those are not my words,
though I have said them before to you. They are the words of the
Senator you did to death in this very chamber.
	Rome was conceived in faith and justice, in the worship of God, and in
the name of the manhood of man. Return our country to the rule of law
and strike down the rule by men!  Restore the treasuries. Withdraw our
legions from foreign lands [NATO?] which hate us, and will
destroy us at a moment's notice when it serves their purpose.  Repeal
the taxes which crush those who work hard and industriously. Tell your
multitudes that they must work or they shall starve. Drive from the
Palatine the puny freedmen [ Lenin's useful idiots today?] who say
"yes,'yes" to Caesar, and bow before him as though he were a god and
not human flesh!
	Cleanse this chamber of rascals and mountebanks and demagogues who
declaim in rounded phrases that the welfare of the people is close to
their hearts, but who really mean ...that they will do the will of the
mob in exchange for vile plaudits, power and bribery!"
Diodorus lifted his hands in an attitude of importunity, and his
fierce eyes filled with tears as he surveyed the motionless Senators.
	"Romans! In the name of God, in the name of Cincinnatus, the father of
his country, in the name of heroism and peace, of manliness, freedom
and justice, I beg of you to restore yourselves as the guardians of
Rome, to cast out the usurper of the powers which rightfully belong to
you, to impeach and punish those who seized those powers in order to
pervert the laws of our fathers!
	Let your Roman hearts speak and your Roman spirit cry out against the
expedient and the corrupt, against the vainglorious and the traitors,
against Caesars who annoint themselves as gods and hold court for the
depraved and the ambitious and those who would dissipate the
strength of our people, our constitution, and our traditons! 
If you turn away from your country, then she will die and a thousand
legions shall not save her, and a thousand bloody Caesars will vainly
shout to the wind!"
	"Once to every man and nation come the moment to decide,
in the strife of TRUTH with FALSEHOOD, for the good or evil side."
Posted by Judit Toth
+ - Re: Hungarian recipes... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Cristina Guerrero Paar wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if there are web sites which have hungarian
> recipes. My mother (and all my mothers family) is hungarian, and I love
> hungarian food. I am interested in recipes in English or Spanish for me,
> and in Hungarian for my grandmother. I apologise if this isn`t the best
> group to post this message, but it is the only place I think that can
> help me. I would also gladly receive recipes to my e-mail address.
> I apreciate any answer to be posted to my e-mail.
>                                 Thanks for the help!!!
>                                 Cristina Guerrero Paar
>                                 e-mail: 
>                                 http://www.mmlab.usb.ve/~cristina

Hello Cristina!

Yes, my page has links to both Hungarian and Mexican recipes. You will
find this link toward the bottom of my main page.  But I hope you will
also explore the rest of my pages.  Why Hungarian and Mexican recipes? 
Well, I am of Hungarian backround and my wife is Mexican.  Also, did you
know there was an Austro-Hungarian Emperor of Mexico.  He loved Mexican
cuisine and added his own touches as well. 

Visit my homepage!  http://mason.gmu.edu/~achassel/
+ - Magyarok figyelmebe! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Magyarok figyelmebe!

Keresem barhol a vilagon a Magyarorszagon kivul elo, de magyarul beszelo 
szemelyeket,csaladokat, akik szivesen latnanak Magyarorszagrol 
kiutazo,vilagot latni kivano magyar szemelyeket, vagy csaladokat 
mersekelt napi osszegert.

Cim-katalogust allitok ossze a jelentkezokbol, amelyben mindenki az 
altala megadott feltetelekkel szerepel. Minden jelentkezo 
meghatarozhatja, hogy mit tud nyujtani. A legfontosabb a 
szallaslehetoseg, de ezen felul is mod van mas
szolgaltatasokokat felkinalni, peldaul reggelit, vagy vacsorat, esetleg 
teljes ellatast is. Fontos lehet, hogy vallalja az erkezok varasat a 
palyaudvaron, vagy a repuloteren, de lehet vallalni programszervezest, 
vagy az erkezok segiteset a nevezetessegek megtekintesenel, egyszeru 
tolmacsolassal egybekotott amator idegenvezetest is. Fontos lehet meg 
konyha-hasznalat felkinalasa, elemiszerek hutoben valo tarolasa, stb.

 Nagyon sok magyar honfitarsunk azert nem utazhat, mert a kulfoldi 
szallas koltsegei messze meghaladjak fizetokepesseget. Ezert nagyon 
fontos, hogy az erre vallalkozok szereny arakat kerjenek 
szolgaltatasaikert. A koltsegek csokkentese erdekeben a cim-katalogusba 
torteno felvetel dijtalan.

 A tenylegesen kiutazok a szallasadonak kozvetlenul fizetik majd az 
elore megallapodott dijat.
Minden kiutazast elore egyeztetunk, minden megallapodast irasban 
Az egyeztetes tortenhet az Interneten, vagy levelposta, vagy telefon, 
fax utjan.
Minden jelentkezonek valaszolunk, kivansaga szerinti modon, de lehetoleg 
E-mailt hasznalunk.
Szivesen fogadjuk,ha Onok bemutatjak kornyezetuket es az ott adodo 
lehetosegeket,amelyek a kiutazoknak elmenyt jelenthetnek. Egyarant 
erdekes lehet valamely nagyvaros, vagy a szep termeszeti kornyezet, 
sportolasi lehetosegek, vagy kulturalis esemenyek, esetleg hires 
muzeumok  meglatogatasanak lehetosege. Orommel fogadunk fenykepeket, 
akar videofelveteleket is, amelyeket a kiutazni vagyoknak be tudunk 

Ha felkeresem elnyerte tetszeset, kerem, hivja fel ra magyarul beszelo 
ismerosei, baratai figyelmet is. Szeretettel varom jelentkezesuket.


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Dr Lantos Arpad