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A HIX ujsagok osszesitett aktualis tartalomjegyzeke elerheto a HIXWEB-en:


Jozsi. /HIX/
1 Biogaz (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: megis a 'nyugat' atom-szemettelepe leszunk (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: *** KORNYESZ *** #97 (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
4 nuclear tests (fwd) (mind)  174 sor     (cikkei)
5 !!!! Kiigazitas !!!!!!!!!! (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
6 Uj sirbolt Csernobilnak? (mind)  70 sor     (cikkei)
7 subs.kornyesz@hix.com (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
8 tiltakozas !(egy formaja, ami eleg kenyelmes) (mind)  89 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Biogaz (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Egy magyarorszagi rokon (gazdalkodo) kert meg jarjak utana a biogaznak. Nem szakmaba vag, ugyhogy segitsegert fordulok a hix

Erdemes-e Mo-on foglalkozni biogazzal? Falun sok szerver hulladek (tragya) keletkezik - ebbol megeri-e gazt eloallitani futes, stb
celjara? Kell-e bonyolult berendezes hozza? Csinalja ezt valaki Mo-on, vagy mashol (kisgazdalkodo szinten)?

Barmilyen informacio, tapasztalat erdekel (elmelet vagy gyakorlat).


J. Szabo

+ - Re: megis a 'nyugat' atom-szemettelepe leszunk (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Diana irja:

>>Azert ennyire MINDENunket nem kene eladni.  Ennyi meltosag
>>lehetne azert a kormanyban (akarmelyikben, amelyik ebbe belement), hogy
>>ne valjunk a nyugat pocegodreve. Azert ENNYIRE melyen meg nem vagyunk.

Ugy latszik, hogy igen.

+ - Re: *** KORNYESZ *** #97 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Diana!

"Nemetorszagbol mar elkuldtek egy ures nuklearis tarolot Paksra;
ilyenben szallitjak majd a hasznalatlan futoelemeket a bezart
kelet-nemetorszagi greifswaldi atomeromubol Paksra. A paksival megegyezo
tipusu nuklearis blokkokat a nemet egyesules utan mind leallitottak."

En lehet, hogy felreertettem a Narancs hiret, de 
szamomra ez altalad Nyugat atomtemetojenek viziojat jelento hir annyit
jelentett, hogy mivel a Greifswaldi eromuvet nem hasznaljak,
annak a nem hasznalt!!! futoelemeit atadjak, eladjak (nem tudom
melyik valtozat igaz) Paksnak. Ehhez hasonlo volt szerintem, amikor
a DDR fegyvereit juttanyos aron atadtak a magyaroknak. En ebben
egyik reszrol sem talalok kivetni valot, legalabb is sokkal kornyezet-
kimelobb, mintha ezt a futoanyagot valahol elhelyezik, es a paksi eromu 
szamara valahol kibanyasszak az urant, feldolgozzak es ugy kapjuk meg.

Egyebkent szerintem nagyon melyre sullyedtunk, de ez mar Szalon tema.
Mi a francia atombomba kiserletek amerikai hivatalos es nem hivatalos 
Udv Gyuri
      *        Gyuri Wolf                   Physics, Theory          *
      * Gesellschaft fur Schwerionen-  E-mail:     *
      *     forschung (GSI) mbH        Tel: +49 6159 71 2755         *
      * 64220 Darmstadt, P.O.B. 110552 Fax: +49 6159 71 2990         *
      *          Germany               Priv: +49 6151 7008 27        *
+ - nuclear tests (fwd) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

From:           "Peter Balzer (CIP90)" 
Subject:        nuclear tests (fwd)
To:              (Ulla Ackermann),
                 (Stephan Beierl),
                 (Ralf E
                 (Johann Gottschall),
                 (Markus Gradl),
                 (Werner Heckel),
                 (Martina Keil),
                 (Jens Krueger),
                 (Klaus Kuehnl),
                 (Anja Loeser),
                 (Martin Stock),
                 (Heiko Zitterbart)
Date sent:      Thu, 13 Jul 1995 12:31:24 +0200 (MET DST)

Forwarded message:
> From  Thu Jul 13 12:20:21 1995
> From: Irmi Schwarz >
> Message-Id:  >
> Subject: nuclear tests
> To:  (pb)
> Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 12:09:15 +0100 (MDT)
> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22]
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Length: 5641      
> Dear all
> If you are interested in adding your voice against the French
> Nuclear tests
> in the Pacific, then please add your name at the bottom of this petition
> and pass it on to as many people as you can.
>     ####   #####    ####   #####
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>     ####     #     #    #  #    #
>         #    #     #    #  #####
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>    #   ##  #    #  #    #  #       #       #    #  #   #
>    #    #   ####    ####   ######  ######  #    #  #    #
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>       #    #####    ####      #     ####     #
>       #    #            #     #         #
>       #    #       #    #     #    #    #    #
>       #    ######   ####      #     ####     #
>   1  SHIMIZU Seishi     Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>   2  Yuichi Nishihara   Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>   3  Hirohisa TANIGUCHI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>   4  Takashi Tomoeda    Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>   5  Tomoki KOBAYASHI   Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>   6  Munehito ARAI      Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>   7  Akira Okazaki      Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>   8  Atsushi Matsumura  Physics, Tohoku University, Japan
>   9  Kouta Yamamoto     Chemistry,Tohoku University,Japan
>   10 Yasushi UJIOKA     Degremont S.A., France
>   11 Toru Hara          Universite de Paris Sud, France
>   12 Rene Bakker        CEA - Sacley, France
>   13 David Garzella     Universite de Paris Sud, France
>   14 Henk Blok          Vrije Universiteit/NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>   15 Igor Passchier     NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>   16 Ard van Sighem     NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>   17 Johan Noordhoek    KOL Leiden
>   18 C.M.C.M. van Woerkens Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden
>   19 Annemarie Borst,   Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
>   20 Gijs Nelemans      Universiteit Utrecht
>   21 Susanne Buiter     Universiteit Utrecht
>   21 Susanne Buiter     Universiteit Utrecht
>   22 Yvo Kok            Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht
>   23 Thom Pick          Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht University
>   24 Dagmar Olbertz     Universiteit Utrecht
>   25 Eleonore Stutzmann Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
>   26 Nicole Girardin    Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
>   27 Francois Girardin  Ecole Nat. Sup. des Telecommunications,France
>   28 J.-P. Chaboureau   Lab. Meteorologie Dynamique,France
>   29 F. CHERUY          Lab. Meteorologie Dynamique, France
>   30 G.L.Liberti        Lab. Modelisation climat et environnement, CEA,
> France
>   31 David Stephenson   Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancee
>                          en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse, France
>   32 Dr. Ralph P. Sobek Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancee
>                          en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse, France
>   33 Marc Vaisset       LAAS, Toulouse, France
>   34 Jerome Perret      LAAS, Toulouse, France
>   35 Michael Kaiser     Comp.Sci./Robotics, University of Karlsruhe,
>                         Germany
>   36 Volker Klingspor   Universitaet Dortmund, Germany
>   37 Peter Peters       RWTH Aachen, Germany
>   38 Terry Halpin       University of Queensland, Australia
>   39 Erik Proper        University of Queensland, Australia
>   40 Mike Papazoglou    Queensland University of Technology, Australia
>   41 Alan Underwood     Queensland University of Technology, Australia
>   42 Ashley Beitz       Queensland University of Technology, Australia
>   43 Andrew Beitz       CiTR Pty Ltd, Australia
>   44 Graeme Bennett     CiTR Pty Ltd, Australia
>   45 Sharron Bannan     University of Sydney, Australia
>   46 Bernadette Vrhovski University of Sydney, Australia
>   47 Suzanne Mithieux   University of Sydney, Australia
>   48 Lisa Riley         University of Sydney, Australia
>   49 Ben Cockfield      Swiss Bank Corporation, Sydney, Australia
>   50 Jonathan Piggott   Swiss Bank Corporation, Sydney, Australia
>   51 Andy Caslaw        Swiss Bank Corporation, London, England
>   52 Sime Caslaw        The Natural History Museum, London, Enland
>   53 Angela Hill        The Natural History Museum, London, England
>    54 Fiona Hill         Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USA
>    55 Alexander Pfeiffer Technical University Vienna, Austria
>    56 Berndt Weichselbaumer Technical University Vienna, Austria
>    57 Robert Vretska     Siemens AG, Vienna, Austria   
>    58 Martin Gerner      Siemens AG, Munich, Germany   
>    59 Andrea Braun     SNI AG, Munich, Germany
>    60 Irmi Schwarz       Siemens Nixdorf AG, Munich, Germany
>    61 Peter Balzer       Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet, Erlangen, Germany
>    62 Werner Heckel    Lehrstuhl Fertigungstechnologie,Erlangen, DE
     63 Molnar Laszlo    Lehrstuhl Fertigungstechnologie,Erlangen, DE
>  Dear Sirs/Madams, > 
>    This is a chain letter to urge the french
>    government to stop nuclear tests.
>    If you agree with us, please add your name to the list above,
>    and send copies to your friends.
>    We will add up the lists that had come back to us, and send it
>    to the French Government.
>    If you happen to be the hundredth,two hundredth, three hundredth,
>    and so on, on the list, please send a copy of the mail back to the
>    addresses below, so that  we can keep track of this project. If you
> have
>    any comment please send mails to us. And also,
>    if you are multi-lingual and have friends who may not understand
>    English, please translate this message and add it to the end of the
> mail.
>    Thank you very much.
>   ******* addresses of the organizers
>    <- please use this adress

koszonjuk a tovabbitast.  van itt viszont egy kis bibi.  szerda ota az otodik helyen latom az interneten ezt a tovabbitott
felhivast; ugyanazzal az elso kb. 25 nevvel.  a mailing listeken tovabbitott alairasgyujtes nem tul praktikus, hiszen az elso
alairasok sokszorozodnak.  persze azert jobb, mint semmi (remeljuk, a kezdemenyezok is rajottek erre, es kikuszobolik a problemat
valahogy).  A legjobb az lenne, ha valaki elvalalna, hogy osszegyujti egy kerdoivre a Kornyesz-olvasok alairasait (az irjon a
Kornyeszbe vagy nekem). maskulonben azt javaslom, hogy irja ala, aki egyetert, es csak egy ismerosenek kuldje tovabb.
+ - !!!! Kiigazitas !!!!!!!!!! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Mint ahogy arra paran ramutattak, az elozo Kornyeszbe idemasolt hirt sikerult felreeertenem (ugy latszik, mar a kakan is csomot
keresek - miota tavaly hallottam az ideiglenes kiegett-futoelem tarolorol szolo terveket, ki van hegyezve a fulem egy bizonyos

Tehat a hir helyesen azt tudatja, hogy a hasznalATLAN futoelemeket kapja meg Paks Greisswaldbol.  Amiben termeszetesen semmi
kivetnivalo sincs.

Elnezest, ha felreertest okoztam.

+ - Uj sirbolt Csernobilnak? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

New ``sarcophagus'' for Chernobyl reactor proposed (Adds comments
from Chernobyl official) 
Source: Reuters 

LONDON, The Reuters European Business Report via NewsPage : An
international consortium has submitted a $1.6 billion proposal to
Ukraine's government to build a new ``tomb'' to encase the cracked
structure containing the Chernobyl nuclear reactor wrecked nine
years ago.

In a statement issued in London on Wednesday, the Alliance
consortium said it believed its plan would solve the problem of the
cracking ``sarcophagus'' -- to be replaced as part of Ukraine's
programme to close down the station by the year 2000.

``Collapse of the sarcophagus would cause a new ecological disaster,
and therefore taking no action cannot be considered an option,'' the
statement said. ``As it is, atmospheric and ground water pollution is
already occurring.''

Kupny had previously admitted that the cracks in the ``tomb'',
hurriedly erected after the reactor exploded on April 26, 1986, posed
a potential danger and had to be replaced.

He said Ukrainian officials had persuaded Alliance that a plan to
contain only the fourth reactor was the most effective option. But
the consortium said it was keeping open a plan to cover both the
third and fourth reactors.

Kupny also said staff would complete a programme to patch up cracks
in the concrete and steel structure by September.

Alliance said the new structure would comprise a pre-stressed
concrete arch built in sections with a waterproof membrane and a
stainless steel lining inside.

Alliance said any new containment building would have to act as a
shield for the outside world while the ruined reactor and the
sarcophagus were dismantled. Radioactive waste would also be stored
under the new shield and eventually disposed of.

The sarcophagus contains an estimated 400 kg (880 lb) of plutonium
waste and more than 100 tonnes of nuclear fuel and a huge amount of
contaminated debris, Alliance said. The 1986 explosion spewed
radiation over large areas of northern Europe.

Alliance, led by Campenon Bernard (SGE) of France, also includes AEA
Technology and Taywood Engineering of Britain, Bouygues and SGN of
France and Walter Bau of Germany.


Nem tudom, hanyan lattatok a BBCnek par evvel ezelott (talan 1990?) a szarkofagrol keszitett filjet.  Sajnos, nem emlekszem a cimere
(valami olyasmi, hogy 'a szarkofag alatt'), de egy rremek film.  Kulonosen mernokoknek es fizikusoknak ajanlom.  Azt gongyoliti fel,
hogyan probaltak rekonstrualni a tudosok az esemenyeket, es megtalalni a futoelemeket.  Megdobbento, hogy hosszu evekig fogalmuk sem
volt, hova lettek a futoelemek, es ennek megfeleloen, hogy mi is tortent pontosan.  Aztan evek mulva valaki egyszer befordult egy
sarkon, mire kiakadt a sugarzasmero....  Egy furcsa kozet lett a futoelembol, 'csernobilium', vagy minek neveztek el.  Sehogysem
sikerult belole mintat venni, mert minden muszer lerohadt a nagy sugarzastol, ha a kozelebe ert.  A vegen egy kalasnyikovval es egy
felhuzos jatek-markoloval sikerult mintat venni...  Aztan lassan osszeallt az 1986-os vegzetes esemenysorozat, modelleken mutatja be
a film. 
Pl, az egesz betonfedel (valami szexi noi nevet visel, ki tudja, miert) fellovodott, es megfordult, es forditva, ferden esett vissza
a reaktorra.  Ez a nagy suly aztan lenyomta a reaktor alatt levo szinteket eggyel.

Arra is ramutat a film, hogy mar akkor mekkora repedesek es lukak (tobbezer negyzetmeternyi) voltak a szarkofagon, es hogy hamarosan
veszelyesse valik.  Egy masodik katasztrofa lehetosegerol is beszel a film, ami akkor kovetkezhetne be, ha a rengeteg radioaktiv
por, ami felhalmozodott a szarkofagon belul, egy osszeomlas vagy mas reven kijutna a kornyezetbe.  Nem egy konnyu film, de muszaki
szemmel igen erdekes.

+ - subs.kornyesz@hix.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

+ - tiltakozas !(egy formaja, ami eleg kenyelmes) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

ne'mi noszogatasra ide is elkuldom a TIPP-ben megjelent alabbi levelet.


>>>>#     # #     #  #####  #       #######    #    ######
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>>>>     #    ######   ####      #     ####     #
>>>> 1  SHIMIZU Seishi     Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>>>> 2  Yuichi Nishihara   Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>>>> 3  Hirohisa TANIGUCHI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>>>> 4  Takashi Tomoeda    Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>>>> 5  Tomoki KOBAYASHI   Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>>>> 6  Munehito ARAI      Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>>>> 7  Akira Okazaki      Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>>>> 8  Atsushi Matsumura  Physics, Tohoku University, Japan
>>>> 9  Kouta Yamamoto     Chemistry,Tohoku University,Japan
>>>> 10 Yasushi UJIOKA     Degremont S.A., France
>>>> 11 Toru Hara          Universite de Paris Sud, France
>>>> 12 Rene Bakker        CEA - Sacley, France
>>>> 13 David Garzella     Universite de Paris Sud, France
>>>> 14 Henk Blok          Vrije Universiteit/NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>>>> 15 Igor Passchier     NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>>>> 16 Ard van Sighem     NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>>>> 17 Johan Noordhoek    KOL Leiden
>>>> 18 C.M.C.M. van Woerkens Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden
>>>> 19 Annemarie Borst,   Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 
>>>> 20 Gijs Nelemans      Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 21 Susanne Buiter     Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 22 Stan Schoofs       Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 23 Edward Prendergast Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 24 Wilfried van Sark  Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 25 Wim Arnold Bik     Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 26 Desiree Majoor     Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 27 Bettina Nelemans   Universiteit Utrecht
>>>> 28 B Aarts            University College London
>>>> 29 Kersti Bo"rjars    University of Manchester
>>>> 30 Dunstan Brown      University of Surrey
>>>> 31 Harald L"ungen     Universit"at Bielefeld
>>>> 32 Arthur Hotzel      Physics, ETH Zurich
>>>> 33 Martin Heinebrodt  MPI/FKF Stuttgart
>>>> 34 Martin Roos        IMB, Jena, Germany
>>>> 35 Andra's Fiser      Inst. of Enzymology, Budapest, Hungary
>>>> **********
>>>> Dear Sirs,Madames
>>>>  This is a chain letter to urge the french
>>>>  government to stop nuclear tests.
>>>>  If you agree with us, please add your name to the list above, 
>>>>  and send copies to your freinds.
>>>>  We will add up the lists that had come back to us, and send it 
>>>>  to the French Government.
>>>>  If you happen to be the hundredth,two hundredth, three hundredth,
>>>>  and so on, on the list, please send a copy of the mail back to the 
>>>>  addresses below, so that  we can keep track of this project. If you have 
>>>>  any comment please send mails to us. And also,
>>>>  if you are multi-lingual and have friends who may not understand
>>>>  English, please translate this message and add it to the end of the mail.
>>>>  Thank you very much.
>>>> ******* addresses of the organizers
>>>>  <- please use this adress
>>>> *******

azaz a level koltoi szabadsagu forditasa, hogy az alairok azt uzenik a 
francia kormanynak hogy az atomtoltetu tengeralattjaro raketaikat 
inkabb robbantgassak a Versailles-i parkokban es hogy add tovabb. Minden 
szazadik sorszamu ember meg kuldje vissza a legutolso sorban 
megadott japan cimre (a  csillagok kozott).

					Andras (Fiser)