Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Tuske Laszlot (Email cimet) keresem...help (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
2 Cenzúra mindenütt (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
3 looking for / keresi (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tra (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
6 See article about Jaszbereny (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: SCM: "Go:nc hazudik" (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
8 Hungarian born, Canadian businessman-accountant will tr (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: Goncz hazudik (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: Zoli Fekete is an asshole (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
11 Nemzet____? volt:Re: Goncz hazudik (mind)  50 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: Zoli Fekete is an asshole (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: Wally hates Romanians (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: Zoli Fekete is an asshole (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: 33 (thirtythree) in your lanquage. (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind)  34 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Transylvania from Seattle (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
18 Tokes Vs General Victor Stasnculescu (mind)  55 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind)  31 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: Cenzúra mindenütt (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
21 hungarian names? - take 2 (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
22 penpals (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: Bela Kun (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Tuske Laszlot (Email cimet) keresem...help (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Tuske Laszloval szeretnem felvenni a kapcsolatot (munkahely: Szechenyi 
felesegenek, (Konti Zsuzsanak) unokatestvere, Szaszko Ilona
keresere, Kanadabol
Nev: Huszar Karoly
Email cim: 
Elore is koszonok barmifele segitseget vagy informaciot.
+ - Cenzúra mindenütt (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Szombaton a PRO7-en megnéztem a Last Boyscout címü filmet,
amit otthon videón már egyszer láttam.

Korábban is volt már egy olyan benyomásom a német égi csa-
tornákat nézve, hogy a káposztaevők cenzúráznak, de eddig nem
voltam benne biztos, csak feltünt, hogy a gyilkosságok, vere-
kedések olyan kurtán-furcsán érnek véget, a jelenetek vizuális
csattanója hiányzik.

Nos, mostantól tuti, hogy vágnak. Egy az egyben kivágták azt
a részt, mikor a bruszvillisz a medanszié mellett ülve a pofán-
vágás után mégegyszer cigit kér majd agyoncsapja aztata vele
szórakázó pribéket. Nem is igazán brutális, inkább poénos jele-
net pedig.

+ - looking for / keresi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

My mother, M=E1ria Magdolna Sabj=E1n, is looking for her godmother, Magdoln=
a =

Varga who was born in about 1932 en lived in Gy=F6rv=E1r in the state =

Vasmegye. =

The name of the father of Magdolna Varga 's father was Gyualla Varga.

Do you know any information, or ways how to trace my mothers godmother, =

please mail me at 

Thank you very much!

Sabj=E1n M=E1ria Magdolna keresi Keresztmam=E1j=E1t, Varga Magdoln=E1t, aki=

1948-ban krb. 16 =E9ves volt =E9s Vasmegy=E9ben, Gy=F6rv=E1ron lakot. Az ap=
ja neve =

Varga Gyula. =

+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tra (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

References: > > <4ccljr$3r6
Lines: 4
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950515BETA PL0]

Charudatta Deodas ) wrote:

mama oyata aderei (sri lankan)
+ - Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >
Hermes1,  writes:
>It would bring joy to our Christian hearts knowing that the good bishop
>  To"ko"s has gone, minding the gospel for a change,

Basicly what's your problem with Tőkés beside the fact that he
is not neocommunist ?

+ - See article about Jaszbereny (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

See graphic article about the Jasz people of Hungary:


And please tell your Hungarian friends and relatives...

+ - Re: SCM: "Go:nc hazudik" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

..       Keri Imrenek igaza van, de emlekszem azokra a csunya idokre, mikor 
a jelenleg kormanyzok voltak ellenzekben, hogyan nyilatkozgattak az akkori
kormanyrol, Antallrol, stb.,hogyan folyt az ellenpropaganda - itt is, teli
szajjal - hogy ugye  milyen nacionalistak vagyunk, minszterelnokunk 15 millio
 magyart akar uralni, stb... Az nemcsak pontatlan es civilizalatlan, de
artalmas is volt.Vegso soron lehangolo, ez is , s az is!A stilusvaltas
viszont jellemzo: ellenzekben a politikusok nagypofajuak, durvak, hatalomra
kerulve valasztekosak, finomak, erzekenyek... a hatalom nemesit, sot,
kotelez!S kovetik oket kiszolgaloik az irotollal, mikrofonnal
kameraval,stb.-rajuk is ragad mindebbol...
+ - Hungarian born, Canadian businessman-accountant will tr (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hungarian born, Canadian businessman-accountant will travel to Budapest
during the summer,1996.

   Will take on assignments to look for business opportunities,  do
investment and business evaluations and audits.

Robert Gelb C.M.A., Robert Gelb and Associates Inc.                 
12 Bradenton Drive,Willowdale,Ontario M2H 1Y5, Canada                          
(905)940-2380, (905)946-1734 FAX                       
- Investment Specialists             
- Business Plan Preparations and Evaluations,                           - Busin
ess Management and Financial Consulting                       
- Mergers and acquisitions
+ - Re: Goncz hazudik (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, 
>Keri Imre Gonczot vedo irasaban tobb tevedes van.

Valoszinuleg nem fejeztem ki magam eleg vilagosan, hogy Kovacs Istvan ennyire 
felreertette mondanivalom lenyaget. En a vita illetve a kritika 
vulgaris modja ellen emeltem fel a hangomat. Az, hogy Amerikaban milyenek a 
politikai es zsurnalisztikai szokasok, minden tisztelet mellett hagyjuk meg 
az amerikaiaknak, biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem ennek koszonheti az orszag a 
gazdagsagat. Tomoren osszefoglalva civilizaltan is lehet ellenzekinek lenni,
vitazni, leleplezni... A magyar nyelv van olyan arnyalt, hogy az ellenzeki 
ujsagirok a koztarsasagi elnokseg intezmenyenek kijaro tisztelet megsertese 
nelkul tudjak elmondani hogy Goncz beszedenek mely pontjai nem fedik a 
valosagot. Attol meg nem lesz valami tabu, hogy az ujsagiro urak nem Fradi 
szurkolok stilusaban ertekeznek.
+ - Re: Zoli Fekete is an asshole (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Vladimir Fomin) writes:

[idiotic flame deleted]

>Vladimir Fomin, .  <http://users.aol.com/antisas/oasash.html>;

This Vladimir Fomin is no longer satisfied with flaming on Usenet and with
keeping a slanderous home page, he is now mailing obscenities to me and possibl
to others. If you use procmail or other mail filter you can filter out mails
coming from  and . And you may use the "kill"
command of your newsreader to add both addresses to your killfile. Re. the
home page, you can write a note to , the sysadmin at AOL.

+ - Nemzet____? volt:Re: Goncz hazudik (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Gabor Barsai,
>>Csak ideologiat tartok nemzetidegennek. Ha egy maganyember nem-
>>zetidegenul gondolkodik, hat istenem, attol meg nem dol ossze a vilag.

>Ez flame-bait akar lenni?


>De tenyleg, mi az a "nemzetidegen" ideologia? Mi az, hogy "nemzetidegenul"
>gondolkodni? Ki a "nemzetidegen"?

Nemzetidegen ideológiára kitünő példa a saját bőrünkön is megtapasztalt
'létező szocializmus' ideológiája, amely a proletár internacionalizmust a
nemzetfogalom fölé helyezte. Az ebben hívő kommunisták pedig nemzeti-
degenül gondolkodnak. Ennek az ideológiának rendkívül nagy szerepe volt
abban, hogy az ország gyakorlatilag *gyarmati* státuszát a lakossag na-
gyobb része egyszerüen nem vette észre, illetve nem vett róla tudomást.

A nagy hagyományokkal rendelkező magyarországi liberalizmus mai korcs
csökevénye is nemzetidegen ideológia. Elég csak meghallgatni a nemzetel-
lenes frazeológiájukat.  A koalíció két pártja között ez a valóságos
tartó kapocs, nem a baloldaliság (hiszen a koalíció politikája mindennek
nevezhető, csak baloldalinak nem).  Munkájuk eredménye, hogy 7 év után
újból idegen hadsereg állomásozik kishazánkban,  vagy az, hogy a nemzet
vagyonának már kétharmadát elherdálták nyugati tőkéseknek (a jelenséget
a nyugati világ is meglepetéssel fogadja: idézhetek, ha igénylitek),  a
ját országunkban válunk ismét szolganéppé.

>Ezzel szemben, ki gondolkodik "nemzetbaratul"? Mi az a "nemzetbarat"
>idelogia? Ki a "nemzetbarat"?

Minden olyan politikai ideológia nemzetbarát, amely egy nemzet érdekeit
semmilyen körülmények között nem hajlandó más szempontok miatt
háttérbe szorítani, amely nemzetfogalmának meghatározó része a szu-
verenitás, illetve az arra való törekvés. Amely ideológia a nemzet szu-
verenitását, politikai mozgásterét korlátozza  a 'nemzet érdekeire' hi-
vatkozva az nem nemzetbarát.

>Mi a nemzet? Elegendo a szotari meghatarozas?

Melyik szótárról van szó ? :) :)

>Ki hatarozza meg, hogy en melyik nemzethez tartozok?


+ - Re: Zoli Fekete is an asshole (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >  (Nick Sandru) writes:

>This Vladimir Fomin is no longer satisfied with flaming on Usenet and with
>keeping a slanderous home page, he is now mailing obscenities to me and possib
>to others. If you use procmail or other mail filter you can filter out mails
>coming from  and . And you may use the "kill"
>command of your newsreader to add both addresses to your killfile. Re. the
>home page, you can write a note to , the sysadmin at AOL.

Nick, you're lying as usual.  I challenge you to post *any* emails that
you've supposively received from me.  Lier!!

Vladimir Fomin, .  <http://users.aol.com/antisas/oasash.html>;
+ - Re: Wally hates Romanians (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Jan 09, 1996 19:49:00 in article <Re: Wally hates Romanians>, 'CHARLES
VAMOSSY >' wrote: 
>I would seriously argue that there are many countries in Europe with a  
>much better record of minority treatment than Romania.  Switzerland,  
>Italy, Holland, Spain come to mind. 

You should perhaps look into at least Switzerland and Spain more carefully.
Ask a few questions about how the Swiss population and authorities have
treated "das fahrende Volk", as an example.
Ask a few question about the "difficulties" and civil disturbances in,
say, Andalucia or the prohibition for so long of the Catalonian
language, etc. in Spain.

+ - Re: Zoli Fekete is an asshole (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hermes1 > writes:

>Would you kindly illuminate us as to, how this is a 'Permanent floating
>SCR flamewar...'? 

Vladimir Fomin is referring to soc.culture.russian, where he is engaged in an
endless flamewar against P. Vorobieff and others. Just ignore him entirely.

+ - Re: 33 (thirtythree) in your lanquage. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Zulfiqar Haider) wrote:

>In article >, 
>(Berra Hedkvist) wrote:

>> In article >, 

>> >Can you provide me with your national written 33, or if you have a
>> >non-roman lanquage (like China, Japan, Arabic, ... maybe a picture (GIF,
>> >TIFF, Anything...) of your national 33
>> >Could you also mention in wich lanquage it is?
>> >It would be much apprieciated!!
>> >
In Puerto Rico we speak Spanish, the number 33 is TREINTA Y TRES in


>I Urdu (the lanuage of PAKISTAN), it is pronounced "Taintees"
+ - Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >
Hermes1,  writes:
>I thought it was quite obvious. Just as I said, the problem is that he
>doesn't seem to mind the spiritual salvation of his flock.

I am afraid I wil not buy this. I've read plenty orthodox catholic propa-
ganda on s.c.r.  Priests never were and it seems never will become me-
rely spiritual leaders. Under some circumstances they used to act as
leaders of their congregation in other affairs especially when some
minor religion thing is affected as well.

I think the Magyar minority feel itself endangered in its freedom of
religion as well, so it is not surprising that a priest turns to politi-

>If he is man of the church, one would give him the consideration that
>goes with such.

There are bad priests and good priests. Quality counts a lot . (As a
matter of fact we have a terrible clergyman in my village.)

>If he is a politician, then my friend, he is fair game. He gets the
>consideration that other politicians get.

Nice approach, it can be seen in Hungary too. Most likely people who
never heard of democracy assert this idea.

>Thus he is no longer in the Party of Christ but in the party of those
>other cut_throats such as: Iliescu, WC Tudor, Funaru and &...

Let say, I oppose nacism, then I'll become as odious as nacism just
because it is my very opponent ?

+ - Re: Transylvania from Seattle (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, Adrian Cosoroaba
> writes:

>Anyway in Tarna Mare were a lot of Jews, a lot more than your
>statistics show. 

Dear Adrian,

I don't think that I gave you the statistics on the number of Jews. It was
fairly high--your grandfather is right. Out of 1,927 people there were 227
people who claimed that their religion was "izraelita." That is 11% of the
population while the national average was 5%.

I am looking forward to reading excerpts of your grandfather's
autobiography, including the funny story about my namesake, Balogh.


Eva Balogh
+ - Tokes Vs General Victor Stasnculescu (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

$From: Hermes1 > Mon, 15 Jan 1996 
$Subject: Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates...
$Message-ID: >

On 15 Jan 1996, T. Karutar wrote:
> Basicly what's your problem with T=F5k=E9s beside the fact that he
> is not neocommunist ?
> Carutar

Mark Cristian wrote:
$I thought it was quite obvious. Just as I said, the problem is that he
$doesn't seem to mind the spiritual salvation of his flock.

That's not a problem. I don't think his flock considers it a problem, and
it is their opinion that matters -- yours is simply irrelevent. What does
it matter to you whether he "minds" his flock? He is also a Romanian
citizen. He doesn't lose that responsibility just because he is a man of
the cloth, any more than a lawyer loses his responsibilities as a Romanian
citizen when he is accepted by the bar, any more than a miner loses his
responsibilities as a Romanian citizen when he heads below ground.

Mark Cristian wrote:
$If he is man of the church, one would give him the consideration that goes
$with such.

And he is a man of the church -- much more so than you, bottom-line lei-

Mark Cristian wrote:
$If he is a politician, then my friend, he is fair game. He gets the=20
$consideration that other politicians get. =20

He gets whatever consideration he deserves whether he is a politician,
pulpit pusher or poetaster or whatever. Anyone who presents themselves in
public in whatever role is fair game. Get it? You may think it is tidy and
convenient for everyone to fit into their niche or role and stay there, but
that is not how the world works. Think overlap, stupid. Think multimedia,
stupid. Think diverge, stupid. Think mutliple, stupid. Think lateral,

Mark Cristian writes:
$Thus he is no longer in the Party of Christ but in the party of those=20
$other cut_throats such as: Iliescu, WC Tudor, Funaru and &...=20

Let us not forget your fine friend and gun runner, General Victor
Stanculescu, reknown as one of the main murderers of Romanian/Magar
civilians in Timisoara in 1989. You're not much to talk about cut-throats -
- your financial footsie friends have more blood on their hands than Tokes
could ever dream of. It wasn't Tokes who did the killing in Timisoara my
dear Joan of Mark

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 16 Jan 1996, T. Kocsis wrote:

> I think the Magyar minority feel itself endangered in its freedom of
> religion as well, so it is not surprising that a priest turns to politi-
> cian.

Do they now ? Or does only a self appointed 'militia' of mostly emigre
rabble rousers stir the flame of ethnic troubles. Does the Hungarian
populace in Transylvania feel that their rights to worship are endagered ?
Or is it a power struggle fanned by extremist lunatics such as Mr. Katona.
And by shady characters wearing the mantle of the church, as Mr. Tokes does=
while claming that the UDMR should have the same status in negotiations as
the Hungarian and Romanian state do. Preposterous !

> Let say, I oppose nacism, then I'll become as odious as nacism just
> because it is my very opponent ?
> Tam=E1s

Tamas that depends on whom you want to be. If you want to be a nazi
fighter, fine. If your calling is to the Lord, your only business in a
matter such as you describe above, would be to preach the Word and
minister the Lords forgiveness to those nazis that are ready to repent !

For if you pick up the sword of politics, even as a priest, your butt
belongs to the public, and it shall, and may be sodomized in ways that=20
may  yet be unimaginable to you ! All of that as prelude of course, to
the hell that most politicians amply deserve.=20

m. cristian
+ - Re: Cenzúra mindenütt (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

T. Kocsis  > wrote:
>Szombaton a PRO7-en megnéztem a Last Boyscout címü filmet,
>amit otthon videón már egyszer láttam.

A mozik szamara keszult filmek TV valtozatai itt is gyakran vagottak,
de nem szuksegszeruen a cenzura miatt (ami egyebkent a TV-nel sokkal
erosebb, mint a moziban), hanem az idokorlatok miatt.  A legtobb film itt
altalaban 9-kor kezdodik, s 11-re er veget. Ugyanis akkor jon a "news",
s itt a musorok pontos kezdesere sokat adnak.  A film kozbeni sok
hirdetes miatt, egy film TV valtozata inkabb masfel ora szokott lenni.
Persze azert a valoban nagy, mondjuk 2 1/2 oras filmeket nem vagjak meg
egy oraval rovidebbre; inkabb mar 8-kor kezdik jatszani oket.

+ - hungarian names? - take 2 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

     can anyone here provide some info on whether these names are of magyar 
     origin or not:
     1.  szedressy (or szedresi).
     2.  soimos (or szoimos or soimozs or any other sz/zs combination for 
+ - penpals (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Would you like a penpal? I run a penpal organization called Earth 
Friends.  Just send an e-mail including the country you live in, and the 
countries you are looking for penpals in, and I will respond with more 


Earth Friends
P.O. Box 10202
Daytona Beach FL 32120-0202
fax: 1-904-788-9011
+ - Re: The wisdom of Mr. Nagy was Wally hates... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 16 Jan 1996  wrote:

> Well, finally we have you on record as being on the side of guys who
> approve bullets for for pasztors, such as MLK and Laszlo Tokes.
> Joe

In Hungarian, your snide comment would be termed as 'alatomos'.
I guess I should take it as a complement. I nailed you to the wall 
and you are out of rational arguments.

No matter how loose your interpretation of what I meant, or what I may
approve  of, the fact remains that, this is a risk a politician takes 
more often than 'a pasztor'.

m. cristian
+ - Re: Bela Kun (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 () wrote:

> Why wasn't I corrected then, Dorin?

To what end, Joe? You've already got your mind made up!

Dorin Taranul